Friday, January 16, 2009

So cold snow session.

So cold snow session, try saying that 5 times fast. : ) Remember those funny tongue twisters? This is my first session of the year... Yey, I am up and running again. At the beginning of this session, we walked outside and it was snowing. But we proceeded with the session anyhow. But it was very cold. They were all so brave and wanted to take their jackets off. Even one of the locals told them in English, "Too cold." I was not wearing gloves and I couldn't feel my fingers. I can usually handle my camera without looking at the buttons. But since I could not feel very well, I had to keep checking that I was even touching a button. Also, we started the session later in the evening and it seemed like we lost daylight so quickly. I did not realize that the sun starts to set around 4 o'clock. But we made it work. All in all, we had a successful session and their images are so cool. (ba dum)

To the P family, thank you for your time and patience with this session. You will definitely not forget this one. Thank you for sharing your smiles and your last time together here in Germany with me. Wishing you the best.



kms handmade said...

The pictures look great! I love their white shirts against the snow.

Anonymous said...

OMGoodness, this is my first time checking out your blog and of course I Love the photos. Thanks for sharing with your bloggers (smile)!