Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So Long, Farewell

March 30 will be my last day to accept photo sessions. : ( sniff, sniff

We are moving back home to Texas... Houston to be exact. I wanted to Thank all the wonderful people here in Stuttgart who shared their families with me (and my camera). I am going to miss everyone! I am so grateful for all the work and people here in Stuttgart. It was a challenge at times, but YOU GUYS MADE IT WORTH IT!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep in touch. You know that I love hearing from you...

I am also excited about starting up my business in the Houston Area. I hope to reconnect with old friends from home. As well as my Stuttgart Family who has been long gone and scattered all over the United States. If you or someone you know is in the Houston Area, I would love to meet you or them. I am motivated and driven to spread as much LOVE while I am in the States as I did here.

When God closes one door, He always leaves a window open.


Adrienne said...

We will miss you, Leslie!!

A Thousandthoughts said...

This is really sad for us but Im sure your very happy to go back to the states, being closer to your family.
We will muss you guys so much and germany will be really "empty" without you people.
Your great friends we will miss you all.