Friday, December 12, 2008

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Since today was only 30 degrees outside, I decided to take the kids out for some fun in the snow. They had a blast and did not want to go back inside. My daughter kept rolling in the snow and my twins were determined to pull the sled across the field. I have never seen snow covered apples before. That was neat to see. Also, my daughter took a picture of me. I thought it would be fun to throw snow up in the air. She thought it was funny when it hit me in the head.

When the sun comes out, I would love to do more sessions in the snow. We were outside for a little over an hour and it was perfect timing to get some cool shots. If you are looking for a fun and different session, bundle up and let's head outside!

Stay warm...

And yes, by the way I cut my hair. (over a foot and a half)!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You hair looks great! That is a lot of snow. I love your pictures especially the one of the tree with a bit of yellow. Very nice. When are you guys coming home?