Thursday, April 16, 2009

Letting go and moving on - Part I

Hello blogging friends. OK, so as many of you know, we are moving back to Houston. Yey, yippie, ye-haw... But there is a whole other story for my business.

I have been working in the Stuttgart area for a year now. The experience from starting my photography business was AWESOME. I wanted to focus my time on learning and growing in both my photography and my business. I thought, "This will be great! I will make all my mistakes here in Germany. Then move back to the States as a smarter and wiser girl." Although that is true, I am finding the need/want to dig deeper and mold what I have learned into something even better. So in a sense, I feel like I am starting all over.

This January, I created a new website with new rules & prices for the new year. Now, three months later, I am looking to change all of it. You think I am crazy, don't you? Well, I know it will be a lot of work but I need to lay down a solid foundation for the rest of my career. WOW, what a huge responsibility, right?

Via the internet, I have been exposed to the best of the best in the photography world. I have been able to focus on my business and my photography by doing tons of research ALMOST for free. A couple of months ago, I joined a wonderful forum called Photography Mentor, which contains a smorgasbord of information. On the forum, I also found a wonderful book titled, Fast Track Photographer by Dane Sanders.

I have just finished reading the fourth chapter and I am impressed. The book asks so many questions that I just couldn't put into words before. They are ideas that I think of on almost a daily basis, but have never took the time to write them down. It is an easy-read book. However, it is not just a book, its like a life/career workbook. So getting through the chapters take time, effort, and a lot of thought. I have been reading this book in the midst of our move, and you would think that I'd be overwhelmed... but I am not. The truth is that prior to reading this book, I have given a lot of thought to the questions he asks. The problem was that I did not take action. Right now, I am in action mode. There are a lot of changes going on in my life and they all fit together nicely.

The funny thing is, that in the last few weeks, my life has become, "To keep, or NOT to keep". Which possessions do I want to take vs. leaving here? What things did I learn during my time here in Germany that I want to keep? What things did I learn about my life that were negative? (and let them go) Letting go of so many things is not only liberating, but it seems to be making me a stronger person. I am letting go of things that really don't matter and I am focusing on things that do matter... and my life is less cluttered!

The same thing goes for my business. I am looking at things that worked and I would like to continue. On the other hand, I want to let go of things that did not work for me. Whew, it is a lot! I will have to change some major things. Just one example is PRINTING. I do all my own printing right now. Even though I love printing my own work, I do not think it is time or cost effective for my business. I am looking into a few options when I get back.

Last night I had a light bulb moment, and every thing just clicked. It jolted me and I was given a glimpse of what I have to offer. All I could do was cry, because it was just too easy! All I have to offer is "ME", nothing else. But why was that so hard? Why IS it so hard? It is both scary and exciting to think that people are going to REALLY know me. Only my close friends really KNOW ME. But looking at the past couple of years in my life, I think I have been building towards this moment!

Before I move further, I need to collect my thoughts and start putting it all together.

Stay tuned...


KD Designs said...

I'm really glad you are getting to further your career. I felt frustrated for you everytime I said "no you can't do that here" and other roadblocks. I will miss you so much but I'm really excited for how liberated you will feel when you get to Texas. (no state income tax btw) And I love that with the blogosphere we'll still get to see how you're doing!

Adrienne said...

We will definitely miss you Leslie, but I'm so happy for you! It's wonderful that you're taking this move as an opportunity to grow, both personally and professionally.